So, you have planned a renovation. Surely many people associate this word with unpleasant actions. After all, you want the result not only to be pleasing to the eye, but also the efficiency of the repair, as well as not too high prices for materials. Although, it should be noted that even wealthy residents of our country often have doubts when it comes to decorative finishing of surfaces, because few materials, even taking into account their high prices, can fully satisfy the needs of buyers.
Liquid wallpaper appeared on the shelves of construction stores relatively recently. However, every day the benefits of their use are appreciated by more and more buyers.
The composition of Silk Plaster liquid wallpaper is extremely simple:
- natural cotton fibers,
- coloring matter,
- cellulose
- glue.
As a rule, they are presented in the form of a bulk mixture , packaged in convenient packs. The scope of use of this decorative material is varied: from any residential premises, kitchens, bathrooms, to balconies, offices and utility rooms.
Experts note that environmentally friendly liquid wallpaper Silk Plaster is the best choice for those who care about the health of all family members. The use of these high-tech wallpapers allows you to create a coating without seams, which is not susceptible to changes in temperature and humidity. An important aspect that encourages you to pay attention to liquid wallpaper from this manufacturer is their ability to hide defects in the wall or other surface on which they will be applied. It should also be noted that they provide excellent noise and heat insulation, do not absorb odor, and are resistant to ultraviolet radiation. When working with them, there is no need to relocate household members for an indefinite period of time: they are odorless and do not emit harmful substances into the environment.
Interior designers note that all the benefits of using Silk Plaster wallpaper are appreciated not only by consumers in our country. They are in consistently high demand in many countries around the world, including Saudi Arabia, where extremely high demands are placed on the quality of building materials.
Another important argument in favor of liquid wallpaper from this manufacturer: if the integrity of the canvas is damaged, the defective area just needs to be sprayed with water from a spray bottle and the torn edges connected using a spatula. Contaminating wallpaper is also not an impossible task. You can correct the situation with a stationery knife: Carefully cut out the area of contamination, and apply a new mixture of liquid wallpaper to this place. Once dry, no traces of repairs will be visible. Even a non-professional can cope with surface application or repair: working with Silk Plaster liquid wallpaper does not require any special equipment or skills.
By getting acquainted with the assortment of our store , anyone can choose the most optimal option for their home and office. Many residents of our country have already appreciated the quality, variety of textures, colors and shades, as well as the affordable price of Silk Plaster liquid wallpaper presented by us.